From left to right : Edwin, Ivan, PinPin, Me, MH, JieQi, Yikee, Andy (back), Gary, WQ, Shawn and Josh
The number of people arrived was countable - 11 guys and 1 gal. Funnily, 2 of them aren't from our class. So in fact, only 10 out of 38 from the class is here. Thanks to those who came! :)
I don't know what to say, because seriously I don't give a damn anymore. It won't do any good to anyone by forcing, I believe we're all old enough to make our own choices.
I took bus 963 with a few of them, some chatted happily just like before. Especially MH, WQ and Josh. The "debate" that they are doing sounds more like jokes to me, very entertaining and reminiscing! I'm laughing most of the time! =D
Yeah, this is exactly what I miss.
We arrived at Harbourfront Centre and meet up with the rest. I felt kinda sad to see how little of us gathered together.
I always wonder after O Levels, where's all the feeling back then? The familiarity seems to be gone, only strangers and awkwardness. This is something that I don't want to witness with my very own eyes, that's why in the first place I was hesitating whether I should come or not. But I guess I can't avoid this anyway, the changes will definitely take place, and the sooner I see for myself, the lesser the pain it will caused.
Anyway, we move on to Siloso Beach without any further ado. The weather was pretty hot, and guess what are we gonna play? Captain's Ball! Again, one thing that didn't change was my in-activeness. As usual, I failed in being a good player. I couldn't keep up and what awaits me was none other than demoralisation! Just an hour of the game and I'm already dead beat, and the sun had a fun time baking me.
We cool ourselves down and chatted under the shade, before we decided to eat something. The food in Sentosa is too pricey, but I don't think it make any difference when we patronise Carl's Jr at Vivo City. This is just so...PRICEY!
For a first timer like me tasting Carl's Jr bacon burger, it's quite good. But on the other hand, the meal cost a bombing $10.30, instantly burned a big hole in my pocket!
After that we walked around Vivo City before ending this '4 hours / 240 minutes / 14400 seconds' gathering.
Honestly, we should treasure every hour every minute every second, because nobody knows when will we ever meet again. Hopefully, the next time can be better.
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